Competences Persistent Identifiers Frameworks
Food Domain
Semantic Big Data Integration
Data Preparation

Type of Organization Company

Short CV

To be filled

OKKAM SRL was founded in 2010 as a joint spin-off of the University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, and Expert System s.p.a., Italy, to commercialize the results of the homonymous Large-scale Integrated Project OKKAM (GA 215032). Since its foundation, the company has grown from 2 to 15 employees and has developed its core technological assets through a series of commercial and innovation projects.
The main products of the OKKAM company are: DataLinks (methods and tools for entity-centric semantic data integration) and ObjectLinks (a platform for generating and managing dynamic QR-codes or other physical tags in different application domains). Based on ObjectLinks, OKKAM has developed several vertical applications in sectors like public transportation, tourism, news, advertising. Recently, OKKAM has developed a new vertical application called MyFood, which aims at supporting restaurant owners to comply to the new EU law 1169/2011 on allergens (including multi-lingual information) and customers to have a safer approach to the choice of restaurants and food. OKKAM is also responsible for the maintenance and development of the Entity Name System, namely a public platform for assigning persistent global identifiers to any type of entity and support their interoperability with other identifier systems.
OKKAM´s main current customers are: regional and national tax agencies for which OKKAM develops semantic BigData platforms to support them in fighting tax evasion); public transportation companies (for which OKKAM develops smart city solutions on top of its proprietary platform for the Internet of Things); tourism boards (smart city solution to linking physical objects and locations to digital online contents), media companies (bridging paper-based material with online digital contents) and, more recently, restaurants (for which OKKAM started to develop smart menu management solutions).

Main contact: Prof. Paolo Bouquet

Website: https://www.okkam.it